Thursday, 6 June 2013

Pasiparuppu Payasam/Moong Dhal Kheer/Split Green Gram Dessert

Pasiparuppu Payasam/Moong Dhal Kheer/Split Green Gram Dessert

Split Green Gram is rich in Protein, yet it is easily digested. It doesn’t cause flatulence
like other grams, that’s why it often finds its place in baby food and restricted diet
(pathiyam) for sick and elderly. 

Paruppu payasam or Split Green gram dessert is made during festivals and Poojas as
‘Prasad’/’Offerings for God’.

It’s a Chettinad traditional dessert, which is suitable even for ‘toddlers’.


Pasiparuppu/Split Green gram/Moong dhal – ½ Cup

Elakkai/Cardamom – 2

Grated Coconut – 2 tbsp. (or)

Fresh Coconut milk – ¼ Cup

Crushed Jaggery/Natural Palm Sugar – ½ Cup

Cashews – 5

Ghee – 2 tsp.

Cooked Split Green Gram/Pasiparuppu

Crushed Jaggery/Palm Sugar

Fresh Coconut Milk!
Roasted Cashews with Ghee
Cook the Moong dhal/split Green gram for 10 to 12 minutes in pressure cooker,

with crushed Cardamom.  Mash it well and set aside.

Roast Cashews in 2 tsp. of ghee and save it for ‘garnishing’.

In a pan, add crushed jaggery and the mashed green grams, mix well add little water. 

Let it boil for few minutes.  Switch off, add quarter cup of fresh coconut milk,

Combine well and toss in the cashews with ghee.  Protein packed mild sweet dessert

is ready to serve.

Pasiparuppu Payasam/Moong Dhal Kheer/Split Green Gram Dessert

I’ve explained the procedure to make fresh coconut milk, in the recipe for ‘Appam’.

1 comment:

  1. namaste priya ji

    Sorry as this is actually not related to cooking but spirituality, i thought of asking u here as u don't frequently visit ur other blog that has an article on mantrarajapada stotram so i thought of asking you here as iam facing lot of job problems.

    First do we have to recite the whole stotram 12 times and then recite all the 12 verses individually 12 times or only the whole stotram 12 times?

    You had said one of ur friends got a job after recitation, how did she recite it and how quickly were the results?

    Can i also recite runa vimochana stotram for getting job?

    Thanking you


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